CongratulationsĀ on taking the next step to learn yourĀ business numbers!



The Profit Academy: Foundations



No accounting gobbledygook, no spreadsheet overwhelm.

A step-by-step process to understand the numbers in your business, so you feel confident and clear about how much profit your business is actually making (and how you can make more!).

Be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your hard-earned dollars.


KNOWING your numbers is the key to GROWING your numbers


When it comes to financials, you might: 


Hire an expensive bookkeeper hoping they will sort it all out… and yet you still find yourself without any clear answers about your profitability.

See the sales coming in, then check the bank balance and not quite understand where it’s all going

Hope the income and expenses all come out in the wash and you’ll have some money to pay yourself at the end of each month.

Go to pay one of those mounting bills, and the payment bounces. Again.

Put your head in the sand about it all and pray the tax office doesn’t notice that you haven’t paid tax

Get accountant anxiety where you dread the confusing and overwhelming accounting lingo, and walk away from your meetings with more questions than answers


You think that you just need to earn more money (perhaps if you post some more TikTok videos the sales will come flying in and all the struggles will go away?)

But here’s the thing.

You can’t out-earn BAD money management.

Let me explain what this means. You can try and earn more money. But if you are not managing your money effectively, all those extra sales could be going out in extra expenses. Leaving you with no extra cash in your business bank account and you are still finding yourself running out of money.

I call this the leaky bucket syndrome.... you are making more money but spending more money to make the money.... even though the tap is on... the bucket isn't filling up!



The Profit Academy


This is a step-by-step game plan to master your business finances (without the spreadsheet overwhelm).

When you implement the Profit Success Plan, you'll know exactly what your goals are, how you are tracking against them and you'll have absolute confidence in your cashflow so you can build your most profitable business.

While trying to figure it out on your own, or with your accountant, it can leave you feeling more confused than before.

The Profit Academy Foundations:

  • Is a proven step-by-step framework that gets you back in control of you money (and it takes as little as 15 minutes a week to master your money)
  • Never run out of cash again- learn to manage your cashflow with confidence so that there are no surprises

  • Helps you to walk into your accountant's office with confidence, knowing the lingo... so you understand exactly what they are talking about

  • Empowers you to be the CEO, who has a clear plan for success... and a strategy to get there.

"I feel more CONFIDENT and EMPOWERED about our financial position. I used to stress about money and now I don't give it a second thought."


What's inside What's inside Profit Academy Foundations?

Glad you asked.

We’ll start with Business Financials 101

Think of this like the Marie Kondo of Money. Forget the reams and reams of boring accounting reports.  Focus on the important terms and the processes that you need to know in plain, easy-to-understand language.

You'll also set up your accounts for success to ensure there is no more 'tax surprise' and that you have money put aside to cover your upcoming bills.

Next you'll truly understand your current financial state. I’ll show you the 3 x numbers you need to know every month, and how you can stay across your cashflow in less than 15 minutes a week.
Then map out your pathway to success.  Set your goals. And a budget (but don’t worry, I make the process eeeasssyyyy). You'll learn how to very easily track your monthly progress against your big plans. You'll create your cashflow forecast, so that you ensure you are staying cashflow positive and never running out of $$ in the business bank account.
Next, you'll identify who you need in Money Dream Team. Managing money is a lot. And you don’t have to go it on your own. I’ll show you who to hire, and when, to maximise your support and minimise your investment.
Then you'll learn the transformational power of Money Meetings- why you need them, what to cover, and how it doesn't take much time at all to be in the driver's seat of your dollars.
And last (but certainly NOT least!), you'll learn how can use this “numbers stuff” to start scaling.
Now that you fully understand profit... learn how to make more of it!

Accountants will hate me for creating this course, because I show you that numbers aren't hard when you know how.

You could keep chugging along the way you have been and dreaming that the magical money fairy godmother will wave a magic wand and turn your woes into wealth




You can bite the bullet and become the master of your profitability.

I increased profit by 20% and secured two extra weekly classes increasing profit by $300 per week. 


This course has lit a fire under my booty. Now, one of my favourite things to do every morning is jump into my accounting program, reconcile all the transactions and see how I am tracking.

Any anxiety I had felt about money management is extinguishing!

Lori Moore



Clare Wood


Hello there! I’m your money mentor with the quals and results to prove it.

I’m a numbers geek (a qualified accountant or CPA), mum of 2 young boys, gym junkie, wine drinker, wanderluster and encourager.

After too many years working as a number cruncher in global corporates, I became a mentor helping business owners just like you to master their money through solid financial stewardship and a healthy dose of money mindset.

Clients of mine have doubled, tripled and even quadrupled their profit by shifting how they think about profit (extra 000’s in the bank account sounds good to me!).

I know you were created for incredible success… and I want to help you get there.


Money is easy-breezy once you know how to work with it!



Meet Sarah.


When we first worked together, she had no idea what her monthly profit was and she used to glaze over whenever her accountant would chat to her about her results.

When we started diving into the dollars I found $1,000 a month that she did not need to be paying! That is a $12k a year (the equivalent of a pretty damn fancy overseas holiday for the family!)

Maybe the actual dollars might be different for you, but your hard-earned dollars can easily slip away when you aren't in the details. 

Whether its $12k or $500, I bet you'd rather it back in your back pocket!

*Sarah is not her real name but this is a real client story

What do you get inside the course?

7 x Modules

Pre-recorded classes by Clare to help you master your money with ease


Money Templates

The tools you need to plan, track and monitor your money performance



Quickstart Guide: How to use my go-to money programs.

This is a 101 to using Xero and Excel if you aren't familiar or if you want a refresher on how to use. A perfect way to kick start your money mastery journey.



The Bookkeeper Success Framework

A step-by-step guide to get the most out of your bookkeeper and feel completely empowered with your financial position.



50 x Revenue Boosters

If your numbers aren't quite where you want them to be, this bonus has a tonne of suggestions to grow your sales.




The Ultimate Accountant Hiring Guide 

Be confident and know the exact questions to hire the right accountant



The Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator

Make investment decisions in your business with confidence



Powerful profit.

It's yours for the taking.

Knowing your numbers will:


  • Give you the confidence to manage your cash flow Like. A. Boss.  No more bill surprise. The CEO has got this.
  • Encourage you to focus on profit rather than sales. 7 figures sounds sexy. But what is sexier than a fancy headline is actual dollars in your bank account.
  • Get you excited knowing what your big business plans are… and how to get there.
  • Give you back hours of time wasted on confusing accounting calls and bill anxiety.


Asked Questions

Are you ready to become confident with your money?



  • 7 x modules with Clare
  • Money mastery templates
  • BONUS: Quickstart Guide: How to use my go-to money programsĀ 
  • BONUS: The Bookkeeper Success Framework
  • BONUS: 50 x Revenue Boosters
  • BONUS: Ultimate Accountant Hiring Guide
  • BONUS: ROI CalculatorĀ 



(Approx AU$1,450 inc GST)